
Which programs can you apply for using ACCESS?

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TitleWhich programs can you apply for using ACCESS?
URL NameWhich-programs-can-you-apply-for-using-ACCESS
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Wisconsin has many different programs that can help people with things like getting health care coverage, paying for groceries and child care costs, finding a job, building career skills, and more. You can apply for more than ten programs at once using a single application on the ACCESS website. You’ll need to make an account to apply using ACCESS.


 You can use the ACCESS website to apply for these programs:


·       Emergency Assistance Program – a one-time payment that can help parents with limited income pay an emergency housing or utility-related expense.

·       FoodShare – helps people with limited money buy the food they need for good health.

·       Job Access Loans – short-term, no-interest loans that help parents pay for unexpected expenses so that they can get a job or continue working. The loans can be used for transportation, work uniforms, moving expenses, and other job-related needs.

·       Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program – helps families with limited income pay for child care so parents or other caretakers can work, go to school, or get training.

·       Wisconsin Works (W-2) – provides employment preparation services, case management, and cash assistance to parents with low income and pregnant people.

·       Caretaker Supplement (CTS) Program – a cash benefit available to parents who get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and who are living with and caring for their minor children. When you are applying for health care or FoodShare using ACCESS, we will ask if you want to apply for CTS if it looks like you meet the program rules.


Below are the health care programs you can apply for using the ACCESS website:  


·       BadgerCare Plus – provides health care coverage for people who have limited income.

·       Medicaid - has several programs that provide health care coverage and other help for low-income people who are age 65 or older, are blind, or have a disability.

·       Medicaid Purchase Plan provides health care coverage for people with a disability who are 18 or older and are working or interested in working.

·       Medicare Saving Program – provides help paying premiums, coinsurance, and deductibles for people who get Medicare.

·       Institutional Medicaid – provides health care coverage for adults aged 65 or older or for people of any age determined blind or disabled by the Disability Determination Bureau living in an institution. 

·       Family Planning Only Services – provides people with certain family planning-related services and supplies to prevent unplanned pregnancies.


The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides nutrition and breastfeeding information and support, referrals to other health and nutrition services, and food benefits to use at the grocery store. You can learn more about WIC and apply for the program on the Wisconsin WIC website.


See programs you want to apply for? Apply today through ACCESS online. You can contact your agency to learn how to apply by mail, in person, or over the phone.


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